Public Works Management Institute Certificate

Training for Managers

Are you a public works supervisor or municipal engineer who recently transitioned into a management role? Are you preparing for career advancement? Do you want to improve your management skills and better understand management systems and processes? The Public Works Management Institute (PWMI) provides advanced practical training focused on essential public management functions including finance and budgeting, employee relations and HR processes, external communications, municipal engineering and public works operations.

The PWMI certificate is a comprehensive training program in public works supervision and management. PWMI courses are practical, taught by experienced instructors, and provide an opportunity to network and learn from other public works supervisors, managers, and instructors.

Who Should Enroll?

Designed to focus on the management of local public works organizations and operations, PWMI is a good fit for supervisors, engineers, and managers new to management roles, managers who wish to sharpen their skills and build their confidence, and public works employees preparing for advancement. No academic experience is required to enroll.

The PWMI certificate is offered in collaboration with the Wisconsin Chapter American Public Works Association (APWA). The PWMI certificate is one of 19 APWA approved institutes nationally. Read this additional information about the APWA Institute.

The completion of the PWMI certificate can also fulfill the supervisory training component of the Certified Public Manager certificate program offered by the Division of Continuing Studies, UW-Madison.


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The certificate requires 90 hours of training completed in 15 course days:

Nine, one-day courses in the Public Works Supervisory Academy

Three additional one-day courses:

One, two-day course:

Capstone course (1 day) at the completion of the program.

Students do not need to enroll in certificate courses in a specific order or sequence. Time to complete the certificate program depends on the number of courses taken by the student each year.