Required studies
Speed zone recommendation
Proper signage
Minimum speed limits and slow moving vehicles
Advisory speed signs
Copyright 2009
File: Bltn_021_Speed.pdf
Techniques for Winter Road Maintenance
Using liquid chemicals
Copyright 2005
File: Bltn_022_Prewetting_Anticing.pdf
Regulations and deadline for compliance
What is retroreflectivity?
Maintaining sings a necessity
Compliance methods
Assessment methods
Management methods
Combining methods
Characteristics of an approved plan
Sign sheeting materials
Create a sign inventory
Copyright 2013
File: Bltn_023_Retroreflectivity.pdf
The Office of Federal Lands Highway (FLH) is part of the US Department of Transportation (USDOT) Federal Highway Administration (FHWA), and works in cooperation with federal land management agencies to plan, design, construct and rehabilitate highways and bridges on federally owned lands. In support of this mission, FLH has developed these project-level guidelines for assessing the condition and performance of existing roadway culverts, and when necessary, selecting corrective actions to be taken for any deficiencies found as part of specific project development activities. This procedures manual is intended to aid users in implementing a fully integrated culvert assessment and decision-making tool that provides guidance for selecting replacement or rehabilitation alternatives.
Copyright 2010
File: Culvert_Assessment_Decision_Making_Procedures_Manual.pdf
This manual is designed to help local officials evaluate drainage conditions along rural and urban roadways. It is part of the PASERWARE pavement management system. This manual can also be used to plan for road maintenance and improvements.
Copyright 2000
File: Drainage.pdf
Good gravel road maintenance or rehabilitation depends on two basic principles: proper use of a motorgrader (or other grading device) and use of good surface gravel. The use of the grader to properly shape the road is obvious to almost everyone, but the quality, volume, and size distribution of gravel needed is not as well understood. It seems that most gravel maintenance or rehabilitation problems are blamed on the grader operator when the actual problem is often material related. This is particularly true when dealing with the problem of corrugation or “washboarding” as it is often called in the field. This problem is often perceived as being caused by the grader, but it is primarily caused by the material itself. This manual provides information on what makes a good gravel road surface.
Copyright 2000; revised 2015
File: Gravel-Roads-Construction-Maintenance-Guide.pdf
This document provides guidance for maintaining pedestrian facilities with the primary goal of increasing safety and mobility. The Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) developed the Guide as one of several means of reducing the approximately 4,000 pedestrian fatalities and tens of thousands of pedestrian injuries occurring in the United States annually. This Guide is based on a research report completed as a part of developing the guide. The report is available online and includes a literature review, review of local maintenance programs including discussions with 50 municipalities and state agencies, and an overall assessment of the current practice of pedestrian facility maintenance.
Copyright 2013
File: Guide-Maintaining-Pedestrian-Facilities-for-Enhanced-Safety.pdf
Your safety, the safety of your co-workers, and the safety of the public is critical and depends on your alertness and your ability to control traffic.
The information in this manual is intended to illustrate the principles of proper flagging, but it does not establish standards or warrants. Part 6 of the MUTCD and the Wisconsin MUTCD Supplement contain the standards for proper flagging. These standards are highlighted in yellow in the text of this handbook.
Copyright 2011
File: FlaggersHandbook.pdf
Copyright 2004
This document is presently available only in print format (unavailable in download format). Order through the Publications Order Form only.
This document was developed to assist small-sized agencies
without traffic engineering staff in meeting the new Federal
requirements for maintaining traffic sign retroreflectivity on roads
open to public travel. By considering the needs and capabilities
of small agencies, this document provides the necessary
information needed to be in compliance with the new traffic sign
retroreflectivity requirements.
File: SignRetroreflectivityGuidebook.pdf